Our story + our mission, vision, and values: 

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Next Shift was YEARS in the making, but came to be on a sunny March afternoon in 2022, when Founder, Jess Flores, was at lunch with a friend. Jess was talking to her friend about finding it hard to find a purposeful career after Law Enforcement. Her friend told her about an acquaintance who was a CEO transition coach. Jess asked what the heck a CEO transition coach was and when her friend explained it was someone who helped CEOs transition into "normal" life after being a CEO, a light bulb went off in Jess' mind. "I can help cops who lost their career with the transition," she exclaimed. 

After lunch, Jess went back to work and couldn't stop thinking about how many people she could help because NO ONE talked about this transition to life after law enforcement while she was on the job or while she was struggling with the transition itself. She raced home from work and got out a notebook. She listed all the words she could think of that were police related and when she saw, "Shift," on the page...another light bulb went off and she wrote the word, "Next," in front of it. She could help officers into their, "Next Shift." Being a visual person, Jess created the logo you see above. 

After having the concept and a visual, she created a form to send to all the prior LEOs she personally knew, to inquire about their transitions, the thoughts and feelings they initially felt, the struggles they faced, the resources they thought could've helped them, and whether or not they had adapted to life after Law Enforcement. What she found...SIX YEARS after losing her own career...was that she was NOT alone in how she felt. Almost everyone who filled out the form faced the same emotions, had the similar stories, and said having someone to talk to who'd been through the transition would've been helpful. Jess knew then that she was on to something.

Despite seeing the need, Jess allowed doubt and fear to keep her small and in her comfort zone..."Who am I to help others? I don't have a business degree. I don't have a coaching certification." FINALLY Jess realized the BS stories her mind was telling her and remembered everything she'd gone through and that if she didn't show up, others would continue suffering. She started showing up on social media and sharing her story...and others started noticing...sending her messages of their stories and support. But it wasn't the people she thought it would be (those who lost their career)...it was soon to be retirees AND officers with 8-11 years on the job, telling her there was no way they could do another 15+ years, but felt like, "Just a cop."

It was then that Jess shifted the focus of Next Shift to encompass all LEOs, with a vision to one day help all first responders (including their families) through this transition into life after service.

In 2023 she really leaned in and...

  • Began utilizing LinkedIn and realized what an incredible platform it was for networking with current and former LEOs

  • Began 1:1 coaching, helping LEOs prepare for life after Law Enforcement, by digging into who THEY were to determine a new path

  • Launched The Next Shift Podcast, to share the stories of others who had made the transition

  • Realized the mental health crisis our LEOs are facing, both on and off the job

  • Created DEBRIEF, a monthly Zoom call bringing current/former LEOs together to share stories, struggles/successes, while networking with those who, "Get it."

In 2024, she wrapped season 2 of the Next Shift Podcast and...

  • Booked her first speaking engagement for the Officer Wellness Conference in Des Moines, IA

  • Continued coaching 1:1 clients, but determined that wasn't making the impact she wanted to make and will NOT continue in 2025

  • Created Next Shift Academy, a community for current/former LEOs to come together to network, mentor, and explore new opportunities, so that WE can confidently find FULFILLING paths beyond our LE career

This is just the beginning for Next Shift and we look forward to serving you and your family.
